This no-charge workshop enables customers to gain an understanding of how to leverage Db2 Native REST services in a hybrid cloud environment using RESTful APIs. Attendees will be provided with a cloud-based virtual lab environment to learn how quickly and easily RESTful API can be created using z/OS Connect and mapped to Db2 Native REST services.
Date and time: 10AM - 12:30PM (EST)
- Introductions
- Db2 Native REST Services and z/OS
Lab Connectivity Check
Lab Exercises:
Lab Exercise 1 – Managing and executingDb2 Native REST Services that leverage a Stored Procedure or a SQL statement to retrieve Db2 data. Lab Exercise 2 – Creating an API using z/OS Connect. In this exercise attendees will use one of the Db2 REST services created in lab exercise 1 as input to the z/OS Connect tooling to build and test a fully RESTful API. Audience The audience is architects, database administrators, application developers, and other decision influencers interested in creating RESTful APIs using Db2 for z/OS SQL statements and stored procedures.